Pure Leaf

“NO” Grants

Agency:  Edelman New York

Creative Director: Eden Lewis Copywriter: Michael Skoog

The Challenge:  In pursuit of a world were women saying no in the workplace is both easier and more culturally accepted, Pure Leaf sought out to quantify the cost of women saying no at work.

The Insights:

  • 2 out of 3 women report experiencing negative outcomes each time they say “no” at work 

  • Women lose up to $1,406 in future earning potential each time they say “no” to an ask at work. 

  • Across the millions of women in the workforce, saying “no” costs women a total of $55.3B in future earning potential. 

The Big Idea:  A ground-breaking new support system that gives women the ability to say "no" to asks at work inthe short-term without bearing the added financial consequences

My Role: Art Direction, Design

Awards: Anthem Awards  - Bronze - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 


This sparked the radical idea for the Pure Leaf “No” Grants initiative, which helps women say “no” at work without bearing the added financial consequences. We launched it during women history month with world-famous NO-sayer, Allyson Felix and invited women around the world to apply through a simple, fully accessible - Billingual mobile application process.

We created social content to raise awarness about the cost of “No” women face in the workplace.

Press Coverage

Muse by Clio Yahoo! MSN (Afro Tech) She Knows Newsone Black News America

Campaign Results

6.3B+ Earned Media Impressions 

850+ grant applications

100 "No" Grants will be awarded by end of 2022                


Degree - Dear Fitness Industry


Vaseline - Radiant X House